Sand and gravel plant solution
Sand and gravel plant Solution
Grinding equipment
Flotation Equipment
The role of flotation equipment in ore processing is to separate useful mineral particles from waste rock through bubbles. Common flotation equipment includes air flotation and foam flotation machines, and their selection depends on the properties of useful minerals in ores and the requirements of flotation process. Air flotation utilizes the bubbles generated by compressed air to adsorb and float useful mineral particles, suitable for fine-grained and poorly water floatable ores. The foam flotation machine adjusts the surface tension in water through chemicals to form a stable flotation foam, which is suitable for ores with coarse particle size and good water floatability. The development trend of modern flotation equipment is to improve flotation efficiency and reduce reagent consumption. The introduction of advanced bubble generation technology and drug recovery devices not only improves the metal recovery rate, but also reduces the impact on the environment, meeting the requirements of sustainable development.